InterLead Education

A Little Message From Us

Welcome to InterLead

Our agency was established at the end of 2016 with the goal of creating a unique education experience for students. As society has evolved, so too has the way we label individuals’ skills and professions, with families now geographically dispersed and seeking new learning and working opportunities. Education consultants have an increasingly important role to play in supporting students and families during these formative years.

To address these challenges, we provide personalized education consulting services for students and parents. We offer guidance on choosing the right schools, courses, and career paths, as well as resources such as e-books and admissions tests to empower individuals on their educational journey. So, by developing a personalized education plan for each student, we ensure that they receive the best possible guidance to achieve their academic aspirations. Our tailored approach takes into account the student’s interests, strengths, and goals, as well as any specific requirements or challenges they may have. – and we believe it’s the most important job out there.

Today we write to you as professional consultants, modern Chinese, living in the UK, as well as the InterLead Founders, we have experienced first-hand how much our own children have developed in the plan of education journey. We are really proud of what we’ve built here at InterLead so far but know that there’s always room for improvement. 

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